Friday, January 30, 2009

Faith-Based Danger in Government

Generations of religions' pie-in-the-sky approach to everyday problems began to seriously swamp over the democratic form of government in the United States with the rise of television in the early 1950s. Those holy evangelicals found the blossoming technology to be a miraculous manner of profitably merchandising their interpretation of what god wants for the material world. By the mid-1980s the institution of religion became the single largest business group in the US, and under the guise of "spirit" and "divine guidance" these institutions that shamelessly peddled other-world advice became one of the greatest land holders in the nation, not to mention the nation's largest stock and bond owners.

By the 1990s the television Bible thumpers were eagerly lusting to take over control of a major political party and in that way planned to thrust upon the vast diversity of people a single mode--their man-invented way--of honoring a higher principle. Brutally enforced theocracy to which they aspired is, apparently, dearly loved by god if the holy discriptions of his Heaven are to be believed, for certainly democratic principles are not permitted there.

Along the way to capturing earthy power by using "faith" as its most powerful psychological conditioning tool, the god-inspired group pulled off some truly awesome and sinister con jobs on the citizen's representatives who were elected with the intention of keeping a level playing field for all citizens. Over the years as the religionists wormed their way into various political positions across the nation, the US was plunged--each time--into a staggering national debt and billions of dollars in trade deficitis.

In the 1990s into the early 2000s, with the religious right in control of the once secular Republican party, the nation was treated with the fundamentalists' continuing assault on such things as public education, women's rights, personal privacy, etc. The banner of religion led the way because that happens to be where the most money is being hoarded.

Such fanaticism is always a murderous indulgence. If we pay attention to genuine history, whenever religion ran rampant over all earthly activities the result was anything but delightful. The Middle Ages in Europe are commonly referred to as the Dark Ages for under merciless Church dominance with its homicidal "Inquisition" the general populace languished in despair for centuries. More recent history saw the resurgence of fundamentalism in the Muslim nation of Iran, and the injustices and horror that engulfed that nation cannot be said to be divinely inspired.

The frightening thing about holding blind certainty of what God or Allah decrees is that such pronouncements are issued out of the ego of self-proclaimed messengers, not from any provable divinity. To base a political ideology upon such grossly anti-intellectual propaganda is to destroy all gains in human potential that have been won. There are indeed unseen powers as work throughout the universe, but those powers indulge in no favoritism for mankind's politics or for those who imagine that some super being is managing everything.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Myth of "Race"

The social definition of "race," from a scientific standpoint, is actually little more than a reference to an optical illusion. The habit of assigning groups of persons bearing various physical features such as skin color, facial features, texture of hair, and even skeletal build into categories came into use in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Unfortunately this method of classification brought with it the erroneous implication that such physical differences indicated that there could be no unifying factor
Not surprisingly, categorizing the human species in this manner became the standard by which self-absorbed people could indulge themselves with concepts of purity strains which allowed them to exclude those who did not mirror their imagined superiority. This, of course, stoked the fires of hatred, prejudice, discrimination, intolerance--i.e. all the ignoble practices that diminish the innate dignity of man.
Although convenient in various forms of study--forensic anthropology for example--the category method of study of the human species does not alter the fact that there is absolutely no genetic basis for racial classification. Indeed, public interest in tracing their personal ancestry has revealed through DNA research that race as a scientific view does not compute! Through DNA analysis scores of persons who had believed themselves to be one unblemished "race" were startled to discover that they embodied considerably more than appearance seemed to present.
DNA research has shown from samples obtained from indigenous groups worldwide that all peoples are, regardless of appearances, actually interrelated. In other words, ancestry is much more than perceptible biological indicators, for biological traits are amenable and adaptive. Everyone's background includes ancestors who at one time or another had to adapt to their environment and extreme climatic changes--all of which would have influenced gene modification.
There is much to left to learn about DNA and how genetics of a biological attribute may have evolved. There is such a miniscule portion of DNA that has produced all the morphological differences that account for our species' diversity that we speak of as the "races," and yet we all share within us a common active denominator.
Is it the quantity of quantum energy that reflects itself as diverse energy manifestations which people personifiy as some humanlike personality they address as "God"? If so, isn't science "his" messenger bearing genuine revealed wisdom?